--Java Omits rarely used poorly understood,confusing features of C++. The omitted features include Operator Overloading,Multiple Inheritance & extensive Coercions.
--We added Garbage Collection thereby Simplifying task of programming
Object Oriented:--Java is true Object Oriented language. Why because without class we cant run program. without main we can run the Progr
--Java Omits rarely used poorly understood,confusing features of C++. The omitted features include Operator Overloading,Multiple Inheritance & extensive Coercions.
--We added Garbage Collection thereby Simplifying task of programming
Object Oriented:--Java is true Object Oriented language. Why because without class we cant run program. without main we can run the Progr
am. Almost everything in java is an Object. & all program Code & reside with in objects and classes.
Robust:--Java Programmers are relatively fearless about dealing with memory because they don't even have to worry about it getting Corrupted. because don't have POINTERS
--memory management mistakes can be difficult task in programming environments
for ex: C/C++ the programmer must manually allocate & free all dynamic memory.this sometimes leads to Problems because programmers will either forget to free memory that was allocated or frees memory that other part of codes still using.
Java virtually eliminates this problem by managing memory allocation & deallocation for you.
Secure:--Security problems like eaves dropping,tampering,virus threats can be eliminated or minimized by using java on internet.
AuthenticationTechinques are based on public key Encryption.
Architecture neutral:--was designed to Support applications on networks
--A central issue is code longevity and portability
One of main reasons programmers are facing and there is no guarantee exits if you write a program today it will run tommorow even on Same machine.
--Operating system upgrades,processor upgrades and changes in core system resources can all Combine to make program malfunction.
the java Designers made several hard decisions in java langauge & JVM in attempt to alter Situation. the goal is to WORA(write Once run anywhere anytime) forever.
& other features
Dynamic, Interpreted,Multithreaded,Dist urbed,High Performance,Portable and platform Independent.
Robust:--Java Programmers are relatively fearless about dealing with memory because they don't even have to worry about it getting Corrupted. because don't have POINTERS
--memory management mistakes can be difficult task in programming environments
for ex: C/C++ the programmer must manually allocate & free all dynamic memory.this sometimes leads to Problems because programmers will either forget to free memory that was allocated or frees memory that other part of codes still using.
Java virtually eliminates this problem by managing memory allocation & deallocation for you.
Secure:--Security problems like eaves dropping,tampering,virus threats can be eliminated or minimized by using java on internet.
AuthenticationTechinques are based on public key Encryption.
Architecture neutral:--was designed to Support applications on networks
--A central issue is code longevity and portability
One of main reasons programmers are facing and there is no guarantee exits if you write a program today it will run tommorow even on Same machine.
--Operating system upgrades,processor upgrades and changes in core system resources can all Combine to make program malfunction.
the java Designers made several hard decisions in java langauge & JVM in attempt to alter Situation. the goal is to WORA(write Once run anywhere anytime) forever.
& other features
Dynamic, Interpreted,Multithreaded,Dist