The code helps in parsing data prsent in a comma separated value format in a file to be uploaded in the database. It checks whether the first token of each line in the csv file is empty or not.
public static void parsingData(String uploadFile, FileValueBinder binder) throws FileFormatException { int lineNumber = 1; String DELIM_STR = "\r\n"; StringTokenizer lineTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(uploadFile, DELIM_STR); line: while (lineTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String tokenVal = lineTokenizer.nextToken(); // tokenize as CSV String nextToken = null; String prevToken = ""; int counter = 0; int parseErrorLocation = 0; ArrayList errors = new ArrayList(); ArrayList values = new ArrayList(); int indexValue=0; // returns the index value of the first comma character in the csv file indexValue=tokenVal.indexOf(","); // check if the comma char is at 0th position if(indexValue==0){ try { throw new FileFormatException(""); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new FileFormatException("Please enter a valid value at line number: "+lineNumber+ex.getMessage()); } } SampleTokenizer commaTokenizer = new SampleTokenizer(tokenVal, DELIM_CHAR); while (commaTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { nextToken = commaTokenizer.nextToken(); values.add(nextToken); } //pad the values if required. if (counter == (binder.getExpectedNumberOfValues() - 1)) { values.add(null); } Iterator valuesIt = values.iterator(); counter = 0; while (valuesIt.hasNext()) { String nextValue = (String); try { binder.addNextToken(nextValue); } catch (ParseException e) { errors.add(e); parseErrorLocation = counter; err = true; } counter++; } lineNumber++; } try { binder.eof(); } catch (ParseException e) { try { //Exception } catch (Exception ex) { throw new FileFormatException(ex.getMessage()); } } } } The SampleTokenizer refers to the following: public SampleTokenizer(String str,String delim) { super(str,delim); this.string = str; this.delim= delim; isCountTokensCalled = false; tokenList = new ArrayList(); } public SampleTokenizer(String str,String delim, String escape) { super(str,delim); this.string = str; this.delim= delim; isCountTokensCalled = false; tokenList = new ArrayList(); this.ESCAPE_STR = escape; } public int countTokens() { isCountTokensCalled = true; String value=""; while (cursorPos < string.length()) { if (String.valueOf(string.charAt(cursorPos)).equals(this.ESCAPE_STR) && !isEscape) { isEscape = true; escapeStart = currentPos; } else if (String.valueOf(string.charAt(cursorPos)).equals(this.ESCAPE_STR) && isEscape) { isEscape = false; escapeEnd = currentPos; } else if (!isEscape && (String.valueOf(string.charAt(cursorPos)).equals(this.delim))) { currentPos = cursorPos; value = string.substring(previousPos,currentPos); if ("".equals(value)) value = null; tokenList.add(count,value); count++; previousPos = currentPos+this.delim.length(); } if (cursorPos == string.length()-1 && !(String.valueOf(string.charAt(cursorPos)).equals(this.delim))) { value = string.substring(previousPos); if (value.equals("")) value = null; tokenList.add(count,value); } cursorPos++; } if (string.endsWith(",")){ tokenList.add(count,null); count++; } else count++; return count; } public boolean hasMoreTokens() { if (!isCountTokensCalled) this.countTokens(); if (count > tokenPos) return true; return false; } public String nextToken() { String token = (String)tokenList.get(tokenPos); tokenPos++; return token; }