This Java program code will encrypt the password before storing in database and will decrypt the same before using those details in the application.
class EncryptDecrypt{ public static void main(String arg[]){ EncryptDecrypt edObj = new EncryptDecrypt(); String str = arg[0]; String enCryptStr = edObj.Encrypt(str); System.out.println (" Encrypted string : " + enCryptStr ); System.out.println (" Decrypted string : " + edObj.Decrypt(enCryptStr)); } //Encryption method public String Encrypt(String passwd) { int i,len,asci_code,temp_val=0; char ch; String out_str = new String(); len = passwd.length(); for(i=0;i<len;i++) { ch = passwd.charAt(i); asci_code = getAscii(ch); if(i < len/2) { temp_val = (asci_code * 3) + 10; }else { temp_val = (asci_code * 4) + 11; } out_str = out_str + temp_val; } return(out_str); } private char getCharec(int i) { /*for(int x=0;x<=arr.length;x++) { if(arr[x] == i) { return (chars.charAt(x)); } } return 0;*/ return (char)i; } private int getAscii(char c){ /*for(int x=0;x<=chars.length();x++){ if(chars.charAt(x) == c) { return (arr[x]); } } return 0;*/ return (int)c; } /** * this function is to decrypt the password * @param string password */ public String Decrypt(String passwd){ int i,len,asci_code,temp_val=0; String out_str = new String(); String char_str = new String(); len = passwd.length(); for(i=0;i<len;i+=3) { if((i+3) <= len){ char_str = passwd.substring(i,i+3); asci_code = Integer.parseInt(char_str); if(i<(len - 2)/2) { temp_val = ((asci_code - 10)/3); } else { temp_val = ((asci_code - 11)/4); } } out_str = out_str + this.getCharec(temp_val); } return(out_str); } }