Pipe Separated String Creator is used to create a pipe delimited string from a documentType structure defined in webMethods6.5. It is created from a java service.
The input to this tool should be a webMethods defined structure only. No other middleware defined structures could be used.
The input to this tool should be a webMethods defined structure only. No other middleware defined structures could be used.
import com.wm.data.*; import com.wm.util.Values; import com.wm.app.b2b.server.Service; import com.wm.app.b2b.server.ServiceException; // --- <<IS-START-IMPORTS>> --- import java.util.*; import com.wm.util.*; // --- <<IS-END-IMPORTS>> --- public final class pipeSeparatedStringCreator { // ---( internal utility methods )--- final static pipeSeparatedStringCreator _instance = new pipeSeparatedStringCreator(); static pipeSeparatedStringCreator _newInstance() { return new pipeSeparatedStringCreator(); } static pipeSeparatedStringCreator _cast(Object o) { return (pipeSeparatedStringCreator)o; } // ---( server methods )--- public static final void recordToPSS (IData pipeline) throws ServiceException { // --- <<IS-START(recordToPSS)>> --- // @subtype unknown // @sigtype java 3.5 // [i] record:0:required record // [o] field:0:required pipeSeparatedString //main service IDataCursor pipelineCursor = pipeline.getCursor(); IData record = IDataUtil.getIData( pipelineCursor, "record" ); if ( record != null) { String pss = new String(); pss = convertRecordToPSS(record,pss); IDataUtil.put(pipelineCursor,"pipeSeparatedString",pss); } pipelineCursor.destroy(); // --- <<IS-END>> --- } // --- <<IS-START-SHARED>> --- //shared part static Object nextValue = null; static String convertRecordToPSS(IData record,String buffer) { buffer = callRecordToPPS(record,buffer); buffer = buffer.substring(0,buffer.length()-1); return(buffer); } static String callRecordToPPS(IData record,String buffer) { IDataCursor recordCursor = ((IData)record).getCursor(); if(recordCursor.first()) { do { nextValue = recordCursor.getValue(); if (nextValue!=null) { if(nextValue instanceof java.lang.String ) { buffer = callStringToPPS(nextValue.toString(),buffer); } else if(nextValue instanceof java.lang.String[]) { buffer = callStringArrayToPPS((String[])nextValue,buffer); } else if(nextValue instanceof com.wm.data.IData) { buffer = callRecordToPPS((IData)nextValue,buffer); } else if(nextValue instanceof com.wm.data.IData[]) { buffer = callRecordListToPPS((IData[])nextValue,buffer); } } }while(recordCursor.next()); } recordCursor.destroy(); return(buffer); } static String callStringToPPS(String value,String buffer) { buffer = buffer.concat(value).concat("|"); return(buffer); } static String callStringArrayToPPS(String[] valueList,String buffer) { for(int j=0; j < valueList.length; j++) { nextValue = valueList[j]; if (nextValue!=null) { if(nextValue instanceof java.lang.String ) { buffer = callStringToPPS(nextValue.toString(),buffer); } else if(nextValue instanceof java.lang.String[] ) { buffer = callStringArrayToPPS((String[])nextValue,buffer); } } } return(buffer); } static String callRecordListToPPS(IData[] recordList,String buffer) { for(int i=0; i < recordList.length; i++) { IDataCursor recordListCursor = (recordList[i]).getCursor(); if(recordListCursor.first()) { do { nextValue = recordListCursor.getValue(); if (nextValue!=null) { if(nextValue instanceof java.lang.String ) { buffer = callStringToPPS(nextValue.toString(),buffer); } else if(nextValue instanceof java.lang.String[]) { buffer = callStringArrayToPPS((String[])nextValue,buffer); } else if(nextValue instanceof com.wm.data.IData) { buffer = callRecordToPPS((IData)nextValue,buffer); } else if(nextValue instanceof com.wm.data.IData[]) { buffer = callRecordListToPPS((IData[])nextValue,buffer); } } }while(recordListCursor.next()); } recordListCursor.destroy(); } return(buffer); } // --- <<IS-END-SHARED>> --- }