Debugging JBOSS is no different than
debugging any other Java remote application. You need to make sure to
launch it with the required debugging arguments and attach a
debugger. In the case of JBOSS, you need to add these arguments to
the startup script.
We need to change run.bat/
located under JBOSS_HOME/bin.
Open run.bat/ under
JBOSS_HOME/bin directory in your project domain.
Inside that just set the debug option
code shown below with port number.
Once the JAVA_OPTS is set open your
project in Eclipse.
From debug icon click on debug
configuration and the remote java application.
Specify the debugger name and project
name for which you want to set debugger.
The port number should be same as one
you set in run.bat/
Once done your are ready to debug.
set some breakpoints in your
application and start JBOSS server.
Once the debugger starts you can
navigate between consecutive breakpoints using F6 and F8 for juming
from one BP to another
DEBUG_OPTS = -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport= dt_socket,address=1044,server=y,suspend=n